20 Jan 2023



A Muon Collider is a proposed particle accelerator facility in its conceptual design stage that collides muon beams for precision studies of the Standard Model and for direct searches of new physics




Conceptual schematic of the Muon Collider, showing the injector, collider and accelerator ring

   ​​A conceptual schematic of the Muon Collider (SOURCE:​)

Muon colliders have great potential for high-energy physics: they can offer collisions of point-like particles since muons can be accelerated in a ring without limitation from synchrotron radiation. The main technical challenge arises from the short muon lifetime at rest and the difficulty of producing large numbers of muons in bunches, requiring the development of innovative technologies.   ​​

The International Muon Collider (MC) Study aims to establish whether a muon collider is feasible and, if so, to develop the concept and technology to a level that allows committing to its construction. A proposal to limit the impact on the site of the high neutrino flux has been already developed and discussed.​​


Machine detector interface schematic, showing the Hcal, yoke, Ecal, tracker and magnet

One of the projects PPD focuses on is the design of the 'Machine Detector Interface', the critical region where the accelerator meets the detector.  Indeed, the detector will need to be shielded against the intense flux of muon-decay products from the incoming beams but without compromising too much its physics performance capability.
