Wednesday 14 April 2010 Speaker: Dr. Thomas Teubner   (Liverpool Univ.) Title: g-2 of the muon: touchstone of the Standard Model, keyhole to New Physics? Abstract: The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, g-2, is one of the great success stories of Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model, albeit various twists and turns. We will review the Standard Model prediction of g-2 and confront it with the formidably accurate measurement from Brookhaven. The emerging discrepancy between experiment and theory has survived intense scrutiny and may well mark the breaking point of the Standard Model. If this is the case, supersymmetry could explain the discrepancy. For the future, further improvements of the theoretical prediction are in reach. With new experiments planned, g-2 will remain at the forefront of particle physics, testing the Standard Model and constraining the physics beyond.