Wednesday 18 November 2009 Speaker: Dr. Steven Biller   (Oxford University) Title: No Nu's is Good Nu's - Prospects for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Abstract: The field of neutrino physics has undergone a revolution in the last decade with the discovery of neutrino mass and mixing - areas in which the UK has played a prominent role. There is now significant international activity in further exploration of neutrinos, with the search for neutrinoless double beta decay one of the highest priorities, involving more than a dozen efforts. The discovery of this phenomenon would not only establish the absolute mass of neutrinos, but could lead to an understanding of their relative scale and pave the way towards a picture of the evolution of matter in the universe via leptogenesis. This talk will briefly review the history and motivation for neutrinoless double beta decay and review some representative experimental approaches with a particular focus on UK activities.